Why and when  Wilkes Station has been Multinational Base

WAP have retracked the evolution of Wilkes Station from its founding through its 1969’s closure.
Information has been catched from a document of the AAD (see pdf doc at the bottom of this page) while Ham Callsigns are from the WAP QSL archive 

Here a bit of rebuilted story:

On 1st February 1957, US Navy unloading in Newcomb Bay and the building of the US Wilkes station (WAP USA-26) begun.

KC4VK and  KC4USK (17-3-1957, 7-2-1958 & 1-9-1958) were active from US Wilkes Station from 1957 through 1958

On 7 february 1959 while officially Australia took over operational command, the  remaining US personnel at Wilkes did not take kindly to being under Australian control. Consequently there was a compromise until 1961 when the Station came under exclusive Australian National Antarctic Expedition (ANARE) control.

Ham radio operations in the frame time febr.1959-1961 when both USA & AUS personnel did occupied it, and which for that period was a Multinational entity (WAP MNB-17)  has been KC4USK, VHØHA (1959-60) and VKØAB (1960).

From 1961 through 1969  Wilkes Station was officially belonging to Australia (WAP AUS-Ø5).
Hamradio stations active have been:

VKØDS (1962 exact date unknown)
VKØVK (14-3-1963 & 10-4-1963)
KC4AAC (10-11-1963)
VKØTO (16-3-1967)
VKØJW (29-2-68 & 1-6-1968)
In 1969 Wilkes (WAP AUS-Ø5) was abandoned as a Base for research and replaced by Casey station (WAP AUS-Ø2), built on the nearby Bailey Peninsula.

1956-1957-Wilkes from the beginning to the end