VU3BPZ sends Greetings from Dehradun, Himalaya

Bhagwati Prasad ,VU3BPZ is an Antarctic veteran.  Several times in Antarctica, active from the Indian Base of Maitri (WAP IND-Ø3), Bharati Station (WAP IND-Ø4) and Indian Bay Camp (WAP IND-Ø2). See:

Bhagwati, wish to express his sentiments WW, to all the friends and families who are  suffering deadly virus desease. Bhagwati could not sent to everyone his prayers and ask WAP to do it for him.

No corona virus cases reported in his QTH, since 3 days but he’s conscious how many are suffering WW.

Bhagwati wrote:

Dear radio friend OM/YLs & all,
My best wishes on the occasion of Holy Easter.  We are in lock down,  hopefully we all  will win COVID-19 pandemic &  not extended lock down further mid of May. India,  as well as many other Countries WW  is under the lockdown and maintain social distancing to contain Covid-19 pandemic!  Follow the govt norms in  COVID-19 crisis. I  hope everyone to celebrate the Easter fets and offer prayer from respective homes without disregarding the social distancing. Being Ham and humanity basis my sincere sentiments to my friend and their families. Take care and have a great Easter day!

Best 73s, Bhagwati Pd Semwal (VU3BPZ/Ex-AT10BP /8T2BH )