SANAP Summer Base, WAP ZAF-11

Matthias, DH5CW, and Felix, DL5XL, have been  active from the South Africa SANAP Summer Base, WAP ZAF-11 (also known as Neumayer Emergency Base), Grid Locator IB59UJ, from January 8 to 9, 2019 as DPØGVN/p. They left the German Neumayer III Station and in few hours trip,  they reached the site from where, they have been active for 2 days.

For those who did work DPØGVN/p from this rare Station  in Antarctica, a brand new QSL card will be available shortly through DL5EBE Dominik, the QSL manager.. Front side of the card is shown here,  thanks to Felix DL5XL & Dominik DL5EBE


Talking about  this  Neumayer Emergency Base or  SANAP Summer Base is something not too easy as there is not much literature available due to the changes over the years  of both the South Africa SANAE Bases and the German Neumayer Stations.

Both Countries had to decommission their Bases more than once, due to the instability; several stations have been built to replace older stations that had to be abandoned due to snow drift.

Just for example, the first E-Base was constructed and commissioned in January 1985 as a refuge in cases of emergency for the SANAE 3 (now decommissioned) over wintering station; She was located at 70° 17’ 80” South,  02° 25’ 56” West on the Fimbulisen ice shelf approximately eleven kilometers inland from the Penguin Bukta. During the summer periods, E-Base was actively used as accommodation for relief voyage and logistical personnel.

Actually, E-Base (SANAP Summer Base) is located at 70° 30’ South, 08° 15’ West  on the  route between SANAE IV (70°40’79” South, 08°16’15” West)  and Neumayer III Station (70°40’25” South, 02°49’44” West) and is a South Africa logistical platform, resulting by a joint venture between the South African National Antarctic Programme (SANAP) and the German Alfred Wegner Institute (AWI).