SA Agulhas II departs for Antarctica

South Africa’s Polar research vessel the SA Agulhas II departs for Antarctica on Friday. Fifty-eight scientists are on board and will spend 14 months on the icy continent; the Weddell Sea Expedition will conduct marine and glaciological research.

Environmental Affairs spokesperson Zolile Nqayi explains: “As part of the Antarctica Week which started on Monday until today, the SA Agulhas II departed to Antarctica.
There are a number of scientists who will be spending 14 months at our base in Antarctica where they’ll do research a number of areas needed for weather and environmental change.”

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We remind the readers that any Polar Reseasrch vessels as well as Icebreakers and Polar Supply ships worked as M/M sailing the Antarctic& Sub Antarctic  waters will qualify for the WAP Antarctic Awards.

No information about a presence of Ham radio operators on board of SA Aghulas II on this Antarctic voyage.