LU8XP Cosme Alfonso Averna, “Pupi” is SK

After suffering from a progressive illness that had recently kept him away from amateur radio, Cosme Alfonso “Pupi” Averna died last june 19 2024 in Ushuaia  (WAP ARG-23) at the age of 76. He was an important collaborator of the Radio Club Ushuaia where he held different positions including Vice President and Secretary.
Now “Pupi” also runs around in the sky chasing our CQ DXs together with the many friends who keep him company in heaven. We down here remember him fondly, mindful of the QSOs we enjoyed together.

He was born in Bahía Blanca on July 3, 1948 and at a very young age, he joined the Argentine Navy. In 1984 he was assigned to the Ushuaia Naval Base where he worked in the Weapons Workshop, specializing in ammunition and explosives, retiring after reaching the hierarchy. of Senior Warrant Officer.

Pupi chose Ushuaia as his place in the world, being from Fuegian by adoption after four decades living there. He had entered the world of amateur radio in 1990 with the LU8XPA license which he changed in 1998 to LU8XP.

A lover of DXism and international competitions, Pupi obtained outstanding positions, due to his geographical location and he did join several 20-meter wheels, meeting numerous colleagues from different provinces.

Once he retired from his work activity, he bought a motor home with which he traveled thousands of kilometers throughout Argentina for years, visiting colleagues with whom he had made friends through the radio.

In 2011, together with Viki Balmaceda LU5DUZ , Pupi LU8XP attended the most important amateur radio fair and exhibition in Europe in Friedrichshasen, Germany. In the photo he appears in the center with Viki on the left and Tony DF2RY on the right.

Pupi Averna was a well-known and beloved figure who discovered amateur radio at the “End of the World”, becoming in a short time a true ambassador of communications on the big island of Tierra del Fuego.

On the pic to the right, we see Orlando Perez PT2OP in Ushuaia (Mar-2014), Tierra del Fuego, operating as LU/PT2OP at Pupi’s station, LU8XP, which is also in the photo. 

A good recall of “Pupi” was sent by Volker DL8JDX, a well known Antarctic veteran; Volker said: « I am very sorry about Pupi LU8XP sk. I had the luck to make acquaintance with him in Ushuaia Jan. 28, 2023 …»
On the picture aside: DL8JDX, LU1XU and LU8XP

Pupi, Hamradio World will miss you but surely, we’ll keep you on a corner of our hearth. R.I.P.
Condolences to his family and to the Ushuaia Ham friends.