Doctor Guillermo Mann Base, WAP CHL-Ø8

Doctor Guillermo Mann Base (formerly Camp Shirreff) is the second of the three research Bases that INACH (Instituto Antartico Chileno) has in  Antarctica. It is located at 62º27’00″South, 60º47’00″West on the east side of Cape Shirreff on Joannes Paulus II peninsula on Livingston Island in the South Shetlands off the Antarctic peninsula.

It is near the  US Shirreff Base (WAP USA-NEW) administrated by the United States.

The Base (named after the Chilean zoologist, naturalist and ecologist Guillermo Mann, who participated in 1947 on the first Chilean Antarctic Expedition) , should not to be confused with the “old”  Doctor Guillermo Mann or Spring-INACH Base (WAP CHL-NEW) from 1973 that is located in the  Spring Point, Hughes Bay (today it’s not operational).

Doctor Guillermo Mann Base (WAP CHL-Ø8) has allowed to generate knowledge in terrestrial and marine biology, and disciplines such as geology and glaciology.
Since the site is in a protected area, its access requires a special permit.

The base was inaugurated in 1991, it is equipped with communications HF radios, VHF radios and satellite telephony. Only CE9MFK has been active from Doctor Guillermo Mann Base in 1995 and 1999