CZ*ECO NELSON Station WAP CZE-Ø1, new proposal for Station module

Brno University of Technology and Masaryk University present a proposal for a new research station module on Nelson Island in Antarctica. The station will be used by the Czech Antarctic Research Program based at the Faculty of Science of Masaryk University.

It also creates the conditions for research into structural solutions, energy sources, technologies and materials that are friendly to nature and resistant to the effects of extreme conditions, which is supported by the faculties and institutes of the Technical University in Brno, a technological partner of the Czech Antarctic Research Program.


This module is used for testing architectural and technical solutions proposed by the Faculty of Architecture of the Technical University and for the presentation of Czech Antarctic Research.



The implementation of the building, the production documentation of which was created within the FA BUT project “Housing system in the extreme world (not only) of Antarctica”, project no. FA-S-20-6498, is financed by ČANF, Czech Antarctic Foundation.