February 22; next Tuesday, is the “Argentina Antarctica Day” and marks the 118th Anniversary of Argentina’s uninterrupted presence in Antarctica.

On that day,  in 1904, the Argentine flag waved for the first time on Laurie Island in the Orkney Islands group, where the Orkney Base (WAP ARG-15) currently operates.

Marambio Foundation writes: «Argentina Antarctica Day was instituted by Law No. 20,827/74, on February 22 of each year, determining that on that day,  the Argentine national flag will be hoisted to the top in the public buildings of the Nation and acts alluding to our inalienable rights of sovereignty over Argentine Antarctica in all educational institutions.

More information on February 22 – Argentine Antarctica Day, at:

Marambio Foundations –  Pay a visit to:

Several years ago, almost all the Argentine Bases in Antarctica, used to be on air on Febr. 22nd to celebrate the National event and a special QSL-Award used to be issued to the Hams who made contact with this Bases. Above one of this QSL-Award issud on 22 febr. 1983 for a contact with LU1ZG at Base General Belgrano II (WAP ARG-Ø6)

In conjunction with Argentina Antarctica Day, WAP is yearly running the Antarctic Activity  Week, an international event,  now in its 19th edition which will be held in the week from 21 to 27 February 2022.


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