Midwinter 2024 in Antarctica

On the  occasion of  this year’s Midwinter Day,  UKAHT (UK Antarctic Heritage Trust) wrote:
Christmas celebrations may be far from our minds at this time of year but 21 June has always been a red letter day in the Antarctic calendar as those South mark the shortest and darkest day of the year.

This year the day takes on special significance as it marks eight decades since the establishment of Base A at Port Lockroy (WAP GBR-Ø1) when Britain’s research on the continent began. Today is an opportunity not only to celebrate but to reflect on the remarkable strides that have been made in polar science at this time.  The UK Antarctic Heritage Trust works to advance the preservation, enhancement and promotion of Antarctic heritage and to engage, inform and inspire a global audience.

We care for six important Historic sites on the Antarctic Peninsula, including Port Lockroy, as well as supporting other organisations with grants to ensure our Antarctic history is safeguarded and shared with a new generation keen to learn about Antarctica. We also support other organisations to look after British Antarctic heritage sites in other parts of Antarctica. It is active in the promotion of Antarctic public engagement and supports institutions who have a connection to Antarctic heritage through their collections or education and outreach.

TNX and credit to the UK Antarctic Heritage Trust (UKAHT).
Readers can subscribe through the mailing list at:   info@ukaht.org


WAP has collected few post card messages from Stations in Antarctica and we are pleased to share them with all the Antarctic chasers and followers. Thanks to eveyone sharing happyness with us on the Midwinter 2024 by sending us greetings and wishes.

Happy Midwinter to all those involved involved in various capacities to the Scientific Bases in the  Icy Continent …  adding a prayer: the World of Radioamateurs, always hopes for a Radio contact … don’t be lazy, challenge propagation and give us the joy of contacts, as often happened in past years! CW or SSB, it doesn’t matter, but come on air!