George Georgiy Chliyants, UY5XE is  SK

It’s a real sad news for the whole WW DX Community and in particular to us of WAP,  learning of the death of a long time dear friend; George Georgiy Chliyants, UY5XE from Lviv , Ukraina, has passed away few days ago at the age of 75.

In the early 80es ,  George has been one of the first founders and promoters of the Russian Robinson Club where he still held the position of consultant.

It was George who pushed me in 1993 at the IOTA convention in Torremolinos (Spain) to introduce the RRC in that important WW event. Today, thanks also to George,  RRC  has over 2000 members

UY5XE was active Radio Amateur, holder of many amateur radio awards active DXer and Contester, keen activator of arctic islands and QSL manager of many of the Russian expedition in the Arctic and Antarctica.
Author of books about radio amateurs and the history of the radio amateur community.

We will miss his friendship but we are certain that he will watch us from the heaven and watch over friendship between peoples in the spirit that distinguishes The Ham Radio world.

Ciao George, REST IN PEACE