21 Sub Antarctic Islands

Across the bottom of the globe, between the continents and Antarctica, there are quite a few islands – all interesting and special places. -Many thanks to the many photographers who took these pictures. We are all grateful for your enterprise and skill– wrote  John Paix  when he put the video online last  2 oct. 2016. TNX John Paix

Most of the islands shown on the video are listed in WAP WADA Directory; Among all of those shown, there some such as Tristan da Cunha, that are not included (see below).
On Gough Island (WAP ZAF-Ø5),  about 400 km (250 mi) south-east of the Tristan da Cunha archipelago  there is a Scientific Research base and a Weather Station which the South African National Antarctic Programme has maintained, with British permission, continually on the island since 1956.

Amsterdam and  St. Paul islands belongs to the French TAAF, therefore
they have been incorporated  on the Directory’s list.

Nightingale Islands don’t really count as subantarctic; they  are a group of three islands in the South Atlantic, part of the Tristan da Cunha territory: they consist of Nightingale Island, Middle Islands and Stoltenhoff Island.

Inaccessible Island is an extint volcano, last active six million years ago, with Cairn Peak reaching 449 m (1,473 ft). The island is 12.65 km2 (4.88 sq mi) in area, rising out of the South Atlantic 45 km (28 mi) south-west of Tristan da Cunha.