Antarctica still “leading actor” at the Radio Amateur Meetings

The Antarctica shown at the Liguria DX meeting by one of the most experienced veterans of the Italian expeditions in the White Continent, has received appreciable approval from the participants at the Meeting organized by the ARI (Italian Radioamateurs Association) of Sanremo in the wonderful Riviera, not too far away the French border.

The location chosen this year was a conference room  at the beautiful park of Villa Ormond, home to Floriseum (Flower Museum), one of the Liguria city’s many attractive historic buildings.
More than 50 radio amateurs coming from some Italian regions did join this event that took place on last October 5th. Guest  of the day, was Lt. Danilo Collino IZ1KHY, expert alpine Scout and mountain guide of the Italian Army,  who told us with breathtaking images and detailed descriptions, the past expeditions to Antarctica in which he took part,  in support of the Italian scientific missions from 2018 and ahead.

Congrats to Gianni I1UWF President of ARI Sanremo, to Gabry IK1NEG a keen Antarctic chaser and to the whole Sanremo Hamradio staff  for having set such a nice meeting; wishing them to repeat it  in the following years maybe with some more invited Antarcticans!


TNX to Danilo IZ1KHY  which has reserved us such a beautiful Antarctic parenthesis.

By the end of October Danilo will be involved once again down in Antartica; our pleasure will be to work him on HF (SSB) from some possible “New field camp” where he will be involved.


(Pics above and below show Danilo IZ1KHY during his presentation,  Danilo IZ1KHY and Gianni I1HYW, Gabry IK1NEG and Danilo IZ1KHY)