Hope Cottage, Charlotte Point, Kerguelen

While waiting two years and three months to be rescued when their sloop Favorite was shipwrecked at Kerguelen in 1825, the British sealer and cartographer John Nunn and his crew spent some miserable months trying to survive on Saddle Island  (now called Ile de l’Ouest) at  49°17’59” South, 70°31’56” East,  buffeted by the merciless westerly winds.
Nunn concluded that there was a better chance of being discovered on the southeastern part of Grande Terre, the main island, so his group gradually skirted the southern coast in search of a place to settle in. (Image above is extracted from page 148 of Narrative of the Wreck of the “Favourite” on the Island of Desolation: detailing the adventures, sufferings and privations of J. Nunn, an historical account of the Island, and its whale and seal fisheries, by NUNN, John. Original held and digitised by the British Library. )

After passing Shoal water Bay (now called Baie Norvégienne), they were eventually able to find an area suitable for monitoring passing ships at Long Point (now called Pointe Charlotte) on the East coast of Courbet Peninsula, where they built two comfortable cabins which they baptized Hope Cottage.

The group was finally spotted in 1827 by Captain Alexander Distant on the schooner Sprightly, belonging to the celebrated shipowner Enderby of London. Nunn and his crewmates joined the Sprightly in hunting whales and elephant seals until 25 March 1829, at which point they were finally returned to Harwich, England  four years after the shipwreck.

In 1997, the French post office issued a 20-franc air mail stamp to commemorate the shipwrecks and the construction of Hope Cottage.

Thanks and credit: Kerguelen Islands, French Southern and Antarctic Lands (Part 1) – Iles Kerguelen, TAAF (discoverfrance.net)


54 years of Marambio Antarctic Base (WAP ARG-21)

Next Sundayoctober 29LU4ZS will be on air from  2 pm to 10 pm utc on 10, 20 and 40 meters SSB.
A commemorative digital QSL will be issued for this event .

October 29, marks the fifty-fourth anniversary (1969-2023) of the birthday of Marambio Joint Antarctic Base (WAP ARG-21). The Base owes its name to Gustavo Argentino Marambio, pioneer of Argentine aviation over the Antarctic sector. It was founded on October 29, 1969, and remains active throughout the year with a permanent population. ​

For this reason, the Marambio Base station LU4ZS, on the same Sunday, will put on the air a commemorative digital QSL that can be accessed by Argentine and foreign radio amateurs as well as SWL listeners from around the world.

The operation will be in SSB between 14:00 and 22:00 UTC on the 10, 20 and 40 meter bands, Contact information can be sent using the LU4ZS page on QRZ.com. A commemorative digital QSL onfirmation will be given in retourn.

Marambio Joint Antarctic Base (WAP ARG-21) is the main scientific station with permanent Argentine military support. The Base is under the Joint Antarctic Command and is located on Seymour Island (aka Marambio Island) on the Weddell Sea  at 64°14′ South, 56°38′ West, within the sector claimed by Argentina under the name of Antarctica Argentina.

Refuge Sargento Roque Cisterna,  WAP ARG-NEW

Last mid september 2023, a patrol from the Joint Antarctic Base Belgrano II (WAP ARG-Ø6) carried out a reconnaissance of the march route between the Belgrano 2 Base and  the Sargento Roque Cisterna Refuge in the Little Wood Nunatak at 77°52’ South, 24°19’ West.
Once there, the group of Argentine Antarcticians have worked to install a VHF repeater. Argentines use a number of Refuges and Huts that serve a similar purpose to mountain refuges. They keep provisions in them constantly, repair them, and when  the need arises for scientific research, small groups go to them and get to work. It is a very economical and valuable plan, and it’s another indication of the splendid work that the Argentines do in Antarctica.

In general, these small buildings are wooden cabins with food, beds, fuel (gas and naphtha), dog food, bathrooms and first aid kit.

Dependent on the Belgrano II Base (WAP ARG-Ø6)  Refuge Sargento Roque Cisterna (WAP ARG-NEW) has been repaired in the 2016-2017 campaign and it was also part of the inspection plan 2021-2022

WAP hopes the next time another patrol going to visit the Refuge down there,  a radio operator could join together!  It would be very nice  to put in our Hamradio log a QSO from this brand “New One” Refuge .
Worldwide Ham radio are passionate about Antarctica. Having a chance to work a  New Antarctic Refuge, will be a priceless experience!


Thanks to: Comando Conjunto Antartico (COCOANTAR) Argentina

Working in Antarctica: The Salary on the Ice Continent

Antarctica, this remote and mysterious Continent, arouses the curiosity of many people. If you’ve ever considered working there, you’ve probably wondered what the pay is for working in Antarctica. What follows, highlight  the different job opportunities on this Continent. To give a more accurate idea of salaries in Antarctica, here are some examples of compensation for different types of jobs:

Scientists & Researchers
Scientists can earn between €40,000 and €120,000 per year, depending on their area of research and level of expertise. Entry-level researchers or PhD students can expect a lower salary than senior researchers.

Technical & Logistics Staff
The salary for technical and logistics jobs in Antarctica usually ranges between €30,000 and €80,000 per year. Engineers, for example, can earn between €50,000 and €70,000 per year, while a mechanic or electrician can earn an annual salary of between €35,000 and €60,000.

Restaurant Jobs
Catering staff can expect an annual salary of between €20,000 and €45,000 in Antarctica. An experienced cook can earn up to €40,000 per year, while a waiter can earn a lower salary, around €25,000 per year.

To find job openings in Antarctica, it is recommended to check the websites of the organizations that run research bases on the continent. These organizations include:

  • The French Polar Institute, which manages French Stations in Antarctica and regularly offers jobs and internships
  • The British Antarctic Survey, which recruits for British bases in Antarctica
  • The National Science Foundation, which manages U.S. stations in Antarctica

It is also possible to find job offers from private companies that specialize in organizing trips and expeditions to Antarctica.

Read more at: Working in Antarctica: the salary on the ice continent – French Polar Team (french-polar-team.fr)

November 2023 INACH celebrates Antarctica Month

The Chilean Antarctic Institute (INACH) invites public and private institutions, organizations, research centers, educational establishments, among other entities, to serve as ambassadors of Antarctic knowledge, promoting the celebration of  “Antarctica Month 2023” in their communities. around November 6, Chilean Antarctic Day.

In this very special framework, INACH invites everyone to generate activities to spread the knowledge and appreciation of Antarctica everywhere. Knowing is the first step to appreciate and protect.

INACH wants to generate a synergy that allows to make visible the work of those who are bringing the White Continent closer to the citizens. To be part of the Antarctic Month program, INACH asks whose wishing to join, to complete the web form available at: https://forms.gle/fQYszAYG3tcjN82B7  . The maximum deadline is October 26 of this year.

This program of activities will be scattered on all platforms of the Chilean Antarctic Institute and on social media.

TNX INACH (Instituto Antarctico Chileno)

L36Z  is “On Air” from LRA36 facilities at Base Esperanza

The first historic activation from the facilities of LRA 36 Radio National “Arcangel San Gabriel” at the Esperanza Antarctic Base (WAP ARG-Ø4) began on Monday, October 9th, with the Special Call L36Z.

Amateur Radio activities,will be carried out  with the purpose of contribute to spreading the presence and operation of the only Antarcticbroadcasting radio station.

The operation is in charge  of Prof. Juan C. Benavente, LU8DBS (LU8DBS/Z), who is located at Esperanza Base, coordinating the renovation and improvement tasks of LRA36, also operator of LU1ZV and now, with the special prefix L36Z, mostly 20 and 40 meters bands, SSB and FT8. QSL through LoTW, QRZ.COM. (pic aside)


The activation of L36Z is sponsored by the Radio Argentina Abroad Service (RAE), the “Uniendo Voces” project of the National University of Quilmes (UNQ), and has the special collaboration of the Radio Club Grupo DX Bahía Blanca, LU3DXG.

LRA 36,  Radio National “Arcángel Sas Gabriel”, is located at 63º 23′ South and 56º 59′ West, in the “Sargento Cabral” blockhouse at Esperanza Base, to the northern end of the Antarctic Peninsula. In front of the bay is the Antarctic Strait, and the Base is at the foot of Mount Flora, an important paleontological site. It is the only shortwave station that Argentina has in Antarctica, and transmits 15,476 KHz. Since this year, transmissions cover 12 months.

LRA 36 went on the air for the first time on October 20, 1979: at that time on  6,030 KHz, belonging to the Radio Nacional network, linked to the Radio Argentina Exterior service (RAE), whose director is Adrián Korol, LU1CQM.

Another milestone was the first Argentine Antarctic Radio Bulletin (RANTAR), which has been broadcast on LRA 36 and on Radio Amateur bands, since March 2023.

TNX Carlos Almirón LU7DSY

WAP WACA & WADA plates to F6FHO

Congrats to Philippe Laurent F6FHO for the Top HR WAP WACA and WAP-WADA ceramic plates just issued.
It’s a sign of years of continue Antarctic hunting and we know how much passion (and loss of sleep…) is necessary to achieve such a prestogious aknowledgement!

These are handcrafted ceramic plates made by a local artisan workshop in the city of Mondovì (Italy).
WAP is happy to recognize the great goal, to the DXers who, after years of intense activity and search for rare stations on the Antarctic continent, can boast such prestigious results.
To Philippe F6FHO our best wish to continue his great DX hunting

IK5IWU (ex IK2IWU) Prof. Carlo Raso is SK.

Another sad news among the Antarctic chasers and Ham radio community. Prof. Carlo Raso, IK5IWU passed away last week at the age of 82.
Carlo, IK5IWU, was graduated in University of Rome, Faculty of Architecture. Master in “History of Art”. Teacher in “Ernesto Cairoli” High School in Varese (Italy), where he teached History of Art.

Keen DXer, Carlo has been the soul  and the organizator  of several Antarctic Activity Weeks mostly done at the Italian Air Force Bases. We must remember: II2AMI (WAP-2Ø), IO2MET (WAP-23), II2EFA (WAP-132) II5AM (WAP16Ø), IIØMETEO (WAP-19Ø).

We  really will miss him, a great friend and ardent Antarctic enthusiast


Here a brief comment by Ing. Gianluigi Prospero Ferrara IZ8EWB-KA2BZS:

«One of my dearest friends, Prof. Carlo Raso IK5IWU, flew into the sky.

With Carlo we did share many experiences in the aeronautical field, the last one was at the Pratica di Mare Military Air Base where we witnessed the non-destructive tests on the MB-339X and C-130JX experimental aircraft, ending with a launch of the sounding balloon at the AM Weather Station, hosted by Lt. Col. Massimo Morico.

Carlo was a teacher who inspired many young people, an exemplary father and a dear friend.

A true gentle giant.  Hello Carlo. R.I.P.»