World Park Base, Greenpeace Base in Antarctica  (WAP NZL-Ø3)

In 1987 Greenpeace established the ‘World Park Base’ in Antarctica which stayed until 1991

World Park Base was a non-governmental year-round Antarctic Base located at Cape Evans on Ross Island Antarctica.

Greenpeace established that small base at Cape Evans on Ross Island (77° 38’ South, 166° 24’East) in the southern (austral) summer of 1986/87. Named World Park Base, it was to be the focal point of future campaigning activities, providing a “watchdog” presence in the Antarctic. During its existence, it enabled Greenpeace to gain first hand experience of operating a base on the Continent and to monitor and publicise the activities of other nearby stations.

The main Bbase building was constructed in 1987 from prefabricated units, which were designed and manufactured by a German polar construction and engineering company. Between 1988 and 1990 several structures were added. Eventually, basebuildings consisted of an L-shaped main building and a small food storage and emergency building.  The main building comprised an accommodation unit housing a common living area, four separate bedrooms, a bathroom, radio room, medical and science room, coat room and a room containing snow melting equipment. A cold porch was also attached. The engine room was housed in the same building, separated from theother facilities by a walkway. A lean-to was used for storage. The short side of the L-shaped building was formed by another unit joined to the main building by a walkway which housed a workshop, science lab, dark room and field equipment store. The latter unit, called the FOS hut, had been acquired from the Footsteps of Scott Expedition which had previously had a base at the site. The original base was designed to accommodate four persons. In later years, a workshop and laboratory building and two more bedrooms were prefabricated and added to the original structure as it became apparent that extra space was needed for the wintering teams. These additions were simple to construct andinstall, with minimum excavation necessary.  Also installed on the base was amateur radio equipment for contact with Ham radio enthusiasts worldwide, and a Uosat satellite link that was part of a scientific project run in conjunction with the University of Sussex in the United Kingdom.


Two Ham Stations did operate from thereZL5BA (1988) and ZLØAIC (1990)


Source: Wayback Machine (

4K1CR “Druzhnaya 1” Base, WAP RUS-Ø2

Thanks to our friend Volker DL8JDX, for this rare and old picture.  A personal gift from Leonid Labutin UA3CR (SK 1998).

Volker, DL8JDX (other callsigns  DM3LTG, Y43UG, Y24LN, Y88POL, DP0GF, DP0GVN) is an Antarctic veteran; he did operate in Antarctica as  Y88POL 1988-89 and  1990-92 Georg-Forster-Base (WAP DDR-Ø1) and  DPØGVN 1992-94 Neumayer I Base (WAP DEU-Ø1)


Volker DL8JDX, wrote:
«This is not a QSL card but a picture from 4K1CR from Druzhnaya 1 Base from 1983 showing him doing experiments with RS Satellites.  He handed this photo to me during a visit from me in Moscow 1985.  In that time I didn´t even know that I would be staying in Antarctica myself three years later … »

Info on 4K1CR’s activity:

1982-1983. Expedition to Antarctica with Malakhov, Shishkarev, Redkin and Leonid Labutin. Active work on board ships. Visiting radio amateurs in the Canary Islands, Brazil, Uruguay. Work with Druzhnaya Base (WAP RUS-Ø2) in Antarctica through RS’s using on-board Morse BBS. Many radiograms were transmitted and received, recorded in onboard memory. Thus, the possibility and expediency of using digital methods of communication via low-flying satellites in amateur radio lines between antipode points was proved. Tests were conducted on communications via satellites in VHF-FM mode and by teletype with Molodezhnaya (WAP RUS-Ø8) and Leningradskaya (WAP RUS-Ø6) stations. Flights to the South Pole, and a 10-day mini-expedition to the Dufek mountain range. Study of conditions of SW radio waves passage and satellite signals reception. Conducted research on using antennas on snow and detecting warehouses marked with radio beacons. Learned conditions for living and operating radio equipment in a cabin deep under the snow. After returning, extensive reports were made, including a publication in the RADIO magazine. An amateur radio station UK3KP was opened at Komsomolskaya Pravda. At a full-time KV contest in Kaunas, the idea of a contest through the ISZ was born.

TNX Dr. Volker Strecke DL8JDX

NASA – Studies find previously unknown loss of Antarctic ice

New research on Antarctica, including the first map of iceberg calving, doubles the previous estimates of loss from ice shelves and details how the continent is changing.

The greatest uncertainty in forecasting global sea level rise is how Antarctica’s ice loss will accelerate as the climate warms. Two studies published Aug. 10 and led by researchers at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California reveal unexpected new data about how the Antarctic Ice Sheet has been losing mass in recent decades.

One study, published in the journal Nature, maps how iceberg calving – the breaking off of ice from a glacier front – has changed the Antarctic coastline over the last 25 years. The researchers found that the edge of the ice sheet has been shedding icebergs faster than the ice can be replaced. This surprise finding doubles previous estimates of ice loss from Antarctic’s floating ice shelves since 1997, from 6 trillion to 12 trillion metric tons. Ice loss from calving has weakened the ice shelves and allowed Antarctic glaciers to flow more rapidly to the ocean, accelerating the rate of global sea level rise.

The other study, published in Earth System Science Data shows in unprecedented detail how the thinning of Antarctic ice as ocean water melts it has spread from the continent’s outward edges into its interior, almost doubling in the western parts of the ice sheet over the past decade. Combined, the complementary reports give the most complete view yet of how the frozen continent is changing.

Read more at:



Hams in Antarctica, Campaign 2022-2023

Fresh info are coming day by day; WAP is pleased to spread them up and share what we are receiving from our Ham friends.


Neumayer III Station WAP DEU-Ø8:

Felix DL5XL send some more details on the German activity.

DPØGVN is currently active with operator, Karsten DM2KX, a member of the 2022 wintering team. He will be followed by Markus DK7DA who will stay for the entire winter of 2023.

DP1POL is not active right now;  Felix will be active during the Antarctic summer, from mid-December 2022 to the end of January 2023, as DP1POL as usual. QSL routes have not changed: DPØGVN via DL5EBE, DP1POL via DL1ZBO.

DPØPOL/mm is also on the air irregularly from I/B Polarstern. Operators are Andy DL3LRM and Jörg DJ0HO. There is regular activity from DPØGVN and DP0POL/mm on QO-100 satellite, see for the latest news.


Answering the question about Gondwana Station (WAP DEU-Ø4) and Dallmann Laboratory  (WAP DEU-Ø7 QSL aside), Felix said:

«Gondwana is operated by BGR, it has absolutely no connection to our Institute. Dallmann will be closing down permanently soon, so I do not think there is a chance to activate those!»

TNX Felix Riess DL5XL


India: Antarctic campaign 2022-2023

VU2CUW , Sarabjeet S. “Sunny” Chhabra , 25 years old electronics and communications engineer currently working as a design engineer for a CNC Machinist  is joining the Indian Antarctic campaign 2022-2023.
VU2CUW  got his Amateur Radio Operator License in 2015 and since then he  have been very active on VHF, UHF and HF managing Radio Nets.

Sarab  designs and homebrew antennas and has done a lot of field operations. He also worked on a satellite building project during one of his jobs at Hyderabad where he was working as a RF Engineer.

We expert to work Sunny VU2CUW who have already applied for a special callsign to be used while in Antarctica.

At the moment it has not been decided to which Base (Maitri  WAP IND-Ø3 or Bharati WAP IND-Ø4) he will operate from.

More info to follow,



Polar Ship RRS Sir David Attenborough

Mike Gloistein GMØHCQ  updates regular information about  his next activity on his  website:
Last post says: «I am due back on board the RRS Sir David Attenborough in early November 2022 and will be taking the ship South for the start of the 22/23 Antarctica Summer Season»


Research vessel SEVERNIY POLUS  RI41POL

Arctic and Antarctica are brother Poles , and its a great pleasure for WAP to guest some particolar info from rare spots and activity, in particular when they running under the frienship flag of AmateurRadio!

Info from 6 oct 2021 received from Oleg Yu. Stribny RD1A/RI41POL RRC#043

RI41POL will appear on the air as within a week.

Not everything is so fast. Only on October 2, a suitable ice floe was found with the help of a helicopter and an escort vessel. On October 3, they began to deploy an ice camp. Now we are collecting MPKO houses. At the same time, the wiring of electricity is being done.

Yesterday, a mast and antenna were installed for a three-component UHF/UHF receiver to study the spatial structure of UHF/UHF radiation in the polar region of the Arctic.

Today, the foundations for two more masts were frozen in ice. Tomorrow we will raise the main mast for KV – 15 meters, after that the laying of cable routes and the installation of antennas.

As soon as all the science equipment starts working, I will do amateur things. Because besides antenna cases, there are still a lot of things to do to set up equipment that is performed at night.

The Internet is very slow here. Now it works through Iridium. So far, we have only set up mail. WhatsApp doesn’t work at all.

73 de Oleg Stribny, Head of the geophysical Research Groupof the North Pole – 41st Expedition

Info about Research vessel SEVERNIY POLUS (North Pole)

The Polar Ship SEVERNIY POLUS has been  built in 2022. Vessel Type: Research Vessel Ice-resistant self-propelled platform “North Pole”. Owner: Russian Federation Operator: FGBU “AARI” (Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute). The vessel sails under the Russian flag. IMO: 9884198,  MMSI: 273295970 Call sign: UBQW2

Last position of the vessel: 82.2387 North, 153.426 East, received on 2022-10-16 at 12:16 UTC). It follows at a speed of 0.2 knots.


TNX Oleg UA6GG Polar Trophy Printing shop

Antarctic Campaign 2022-2023- Next Ham Radio activity from Antarctica

Antarctic season is going to start.  Shortly several Bases will  open for the 2022-2023 campaign  while the overwintered  personnel are waiting new replacing Teams  to come.

In addition to several stations already active, as for example VKØWN, VKØMQ, few VP8s from the Falklands some sporadic KC4 from McMurdo and South Pole stations, here below  a short  list of next Hams to join this year Antarctic campaign:


Wolf Fang Runway (WAP MNB-12Oleg ZS7ANF has left yesterday for Antarctica. Activity till the end of December at WFR.

We got a message from Oleg today (oct.15):
I arrived to Punta Arenas (Chile) today. We hope to fly to South on the 18th to be at WFR by October the 20th,  to be on air after  November 1st when my FT991 and Steppir arrive. So, see you on air soon.

(Picture on the side show the Trophy issued to ZS7ANF by Oleg Latishev UA6GG chief of the Polar Trophy printing shop)


Halley VI-a Base  (WAP GBR-4Ø) Sebastian Gleich VP8/SQ1SGB will be again on air around mid November


FT4YM will be again in Antarctica  following the French Teams. No dates are available by now but Mehdi F5PFP have wrote that, during the period of staying, activity is foreseen  from the following bases: 

Base Dumont d’Urville (WAP FRA-Ø1)

Base Concordia (WAP MNB-Ø3)

Base Little Dome C (WAP MNB-15)

Robert Guillard Station at Cap Prud’homme (aka Base Cape Prud’homme). (WAP MNB-NEW)


Neumayer III  Station (WAP DEU-Ø8) DP1POL and DPØGVN are both active already.

Last sept 4th,  DPØPOL/MM has been worked on 20 mts  SSB


Novolazarevskaya Base (WAP RUS-Ø9Oleg Neruchev  ZS1OIN (aka UA3HK)  will sign RI1ANU, starting by the end of October


Alfred Faure Base-Crozet  (WAP FRA-Ø2)  A possible expedition to Crozet is expected on air by the end of December 2022/January 2023


Bouvet  3YØJ should  start next Jan 2023. WAP is  waiting to see from which site of the island the Camp will be set  (probably a new WAP Reference)


Polar Philately-5th Polar Salon LIBEREC 2022

The Polar Salon is an international “worldwide” polar philatelic exhibition that takes place in various parts of the world every three years, mostly as part of national or international exhibitions. Organizing Committee of European Stamp Exhibition LIBEREC 2022, together with the clubs of polar collectors decided to organize the 5th International Polar Salon in Liberec, Czec Republic  in 2022.

Polar philately consists of philatelic material with a polar (Arctic and Antarctic) character. It is an organized international philatelic activity since the mid-1950s.

Read more at:

From 14. to 16. Oct. 2022 Dr. Volker Strecke DL8JDX will attend the International Polar Salon Conference in Liberec, Czec Republic


TNX  Volker, DL8JDX

MAIVIKEN HUT, South Georgia. New Entry on WAP WADA

WAP is working continuously to list and register the so many huts and refuges scattered around the coasts of  Antarctica and its  Sub Antarctic islands.

To enter onto WAP-WADA Directory we normally need a picture, latitude and longitude and a bit of description to qualify the “New Entry”.

Today Thanks to Gabry IK1NEG, we have found all what is necessary to add Maiviken Hut on WAP-WADA.

Here below, a list of Field huts in South Georgia Islands  that have existed at one time or another at the following sites: Sörling Valley, Elsehul, Schlieper Bay, Hound Bay, Dartmouth Point, Glacier Col, Maiviken, St Andrews Bay, Hope Point, Coral Bay, Gull Lake, Carlita Bay, Royal Bay, Hodges Glacier, Jason Harbour,  Lyell Glacier, Bay of Isles. Many derelict huts have been removed  .


Maiviken is a locality in South Georgia Islands, situated nearby to George Rock, and close to Rocky Point. Maiviken Hut takes his name from this place.

Maiviken Hut located at 54°14’52” South, 34°30’23” West , next to Maivatn lake, in the Bore Valley. Next to the lake lays this cozy little hut built in 1974 and kept in good conditions, being normally used by King Edward Point scientists. It was a quite precarious shelter in the past but is getting recently renovated.. At the present times Maiviken is often visited by scientist from King Edward Point for research purposes, mostly surveying Fur seal population and Gentoo penguins nesting at Tortula Cove.


TNX Gabry IK1NEG for providing infos


Maiviken Hut, Bore Valley, South Georgia island, 54°14’52” South, 34°30’23” West, will enter on WAP WADA Directory as WAP GBR-New

Uruguay celebrates its “Antarctica Day”

On October 7, 1985, at the XIII Consultative Meeting held in Belgium, the Eastern Republic of Uruguay was accepted as a Consultative Member of the Antarctic Treaty, thus becoming part of the group of Nations that have a voice and a vote in the decisions of the international community of Antarctica. In recognition of this fact of enormous importance, every year Uruguay celebrates October 7 as “Antarctica Day”.

Yesterday,  october 7th, marked the 37th Anniversary of the entry of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay as a Consultative Member of the Antarctic Treaty System, thus october 7 of each year, this recurrence is celebrated with great emphasis.

This event brings to mind the verses of  Delia M. Musso, a Uruguayan writer and poet:

The Antarctic

it is a liquid paint

length of distant mirrors

of the infinite sky

to the infinite sea

parade of sonorities

where the sound wave

goes through

our senses

leaving our eyes red.

And breathe the sea,

mutual complicity.


Commenting on the verses of Delia M. Musso about Antarctica, Prof. Ricardo Pallares says:

In this set of poetic compositions, Antarctica appears as a universe of lines, spaces and interior music, of movements and extraordinary realities that have the call of infinity and the absolute, in which the grandeur of the sea, of the ice nor that of silence. They are short, untitled compositions, a fact that strengthens the unity of the collection, in which associative, plastic and phonic values predominate over the metrical regularities of the verse. A re-creative figurative language that gives a certain life to this Antarctica and that presents it as a site not exempt from mystery due to its unfathomable grandeur,  totally impossible to know.

WAP joins the Uruguayan friends in this important recurrence.

Uruguay  actually manage  ARTIGAS BASE in Antarctica (WAP URY-Ø1)


The World of ANTARCTICA by  Lyubomir Ivanov and  Nusha Ivanova

I recall when on 14th may 2014 I did receive  a great gift from Dr. Lyubo.
A copy of his Antarctica book with author’s dedication  and  hand signature just for me!

It was a 368 pages book, with some references to the WAP’s work ( at page 76 and  page 211) as kind  acknowledgments to us!

Dr. Lyubomir Ivanov did participate in four Bulgarian Antarctic campaigns, and set the first Bulgarian Antarctic topographic map. He was also the author of the 1995 Bulgarian Antarctic Toponymic Guidelines, introducing in particular, the present official system for the Romanization of Bulgaria.


Today, a  new Antarctic book The World of ANTARCTICA” by Lyubomir Ivanov and  Nusha Ivanova  has just been published: L. Ivanov and N. Ivanova. The World of Antarctica. Generis Publishing, 2022. 241 pp. ISBN 979-8-88676-403-1

What is the Antarctic? Some extraordinary nature on the border between the earthly and the cosmic? A treasure trove of natural resources of global importance? A land with a no longer small history of heroic efforts on the limit of human abilities? Or the future home of numerous settlers? Whose is the Antarctic? Is it a common heritage that will continue to be managed jointly by a group of countries under the provisions of the Antarctic Treaty? Or is it, on the contrary, yet to be partitioned into separate possessions? Many questions, with still more answers.

Check :


Dr Ivanov has taken part in several Antarctic expeditions. In 2004, Ivanov went with Doychin Vasiley on the Tangra 2004 topographic expedition, noted by Discovery Channel, the Natural Historic Museum, the Royal Collection and the British Antarctic Survey as a timeline event in Antarctic exploration. Awarded the jubilee medal 30th Bulgarian Antarctic Expedition by the Bulgarian Antarctic Institute for his active participation in the expeditions and in the building of St. Kliment Ohridski  Base  (WAP BUL-Ø1) in Antarctica

Dr. Lyubomir Ivanov is National Representative of Bulgaria to SCAR SCAGI and Chairman of the Antarctic Place-names Commission, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Bulgaria

Thanks to Dr. Lyubomir Ivanov for his always great activity in Antarctica, WAP is proud of him

Little America IV, new entry on WAP-WADA

Thanks to Olivier F6EPN (aka Spratley Woody at his Facebook page), another old and rare QSL card, KC4USA dated 1949  proves that Ham Radio was performed at this Base, which was not present on WAP-WADA Directory.

 To understand the evolution of the five  Little America Stations, we must  retrace historical notes  from 1928 and ahead:

Little America, was the principal American base in Antarctica, lying on the northeastern edge of Ross Ice Shelf near Kainan Bay. First set up in 1928 as the headquarters for the polar explorations of Richard E. Byrd, it was reused and enlarged by Byrd on his return expedition in 1933–35.  In 1940 Byrd established a camp 7 miles (11 km) northeast, later named Little America III (WAP USA-37) , that served as the western base for a government-sponsored exploration of  Marie Byrd Land before World War II.

After the war,  Little America IV consisting of an airstrip and 60 tents, was set up nearby as a headquarters for Operation High Jump (1946–47), an expedition designed to explore and document Antarctica’s coastline as well as to extend U.S. sovereignty to the continent. When an expedition next returned (1956) in preparation for the International Geophysical Year (1957–58), parts of the earlier Little America camps were found to have vanished because of calving of the ice shelf.


Consequently, Little America V (WAP USA-29)  was set up several miles northeast, near Kainan Bay, to serve as a supply base and terminus of a 630-mile- (1,014-kilometre-) long “highway” to Byrd Station in the continent’s interior.


Another piece of information about Little America IV containing  the following matter,  was found at: Little America IV | Matthew Reilly Wiki | Fandom

«It was built out of a section of Antarctic’s ice shelf  and was ostensibly  intended to be a resource exploration facility looking for offshore oil deposit. In truth, however the facility served  as a convert chemical weapons laboratory, one shoes location easily avoided pubic view and provided s safety buffer should any chemical leak out. Among the weapons  the researchers at Little America IV worked on was sarin gas and VX poison gas».


Going back  to Little America IV, documents say that it  was established in 1946–1947 as the primary camp for Operation Highjump. On 2 and 5 December 1946,  166 Seabees sailed from Port Hueneme on the USS Yancey and USS Merrick assigned to Operation Highjump.

Little America IV camp was thug established as US Navy’s Operation Highjump, of 1946–1947.

The old image of the Little America IV camp even if of poor quality gives an idea of what was the station setup. The camp is in the lower right. Three ships are moored at the ice edge at center left. Admiral Richard Byrd had established Little America I, II, III, and IV all within this same general area at the Bay of Whales. Ten years later when the US Navy returned to establish Little America V (WAP USA-29)  as part of the International Geophysical Year (IGY), they were unable to reach this site due to ice, so built the final Little America station farther east.

TNX and credit : Photo Library, U.S. Antarctic Program

TNX F6EPN whose merit is to have found a 1949 old KC4USA QSL card

Now, WAP-WADA has already listed: Little America I (WAP USA-43), Little America III (WAP USA-37), Little America V (WAP USA-29). At the light of the acquired evidences, WAP is  going to add ,  Little America IV (WAP USA-5Ø New Entry), as follow:

Little America IV

Reference WAP USA-5Ø

Location: Bay of Whales, West Ross Ice Shelf,

Coordinates: 78° 12’ South, 162° 30’ West