CALLING ANTARCTICA 2022 , a free diploma for the 19th AAW by IK3GER

Every year, in the month of February, a special radio activity called ‘ANTARCTIC ACTIVITY WEEK ‘ take places on the Ham radio bands. This year, the 19th AAW will be held from February 21st to the 27th, 2022.

Our good friend Paolo Corsetti IK3GER from Venice Italy, has set a free diploma which available to OM and SWL at the end of the Event.  Just few very simple rules have to be followed as shown below:

All WAP (WORLDWIDE ANTARCTIC PROGRAM) stations have a special WAP reference number that will be passed during the QSO. This reference must be included for each QSO in the WAP Ref. column of your application form.

The diploma is issued to OM/SWL in 2 classes:

  1. Basic” minimum of 5 QSO/HRD with different WAP references,
  2. First Class” 10 or more QSO/HRD with different WAP references.

Only QSO/HRD made between February 21st and 27th, 2022 are valid for this diploma.

Hams may download the application form in Excel here

QSL cards are not needed. Endorsement is available for band and mode. The award is free, and sent out via email as a PDF file (JPG on request). Send your application via email to the award manager IK3GER, Paolo, at

EXAMPLE OF APPLICATION can be found on the pdf file here aside –> Rules for Diploma AAW 2022

N.B. – WAP reference is mandatory in your application


Antarctic Activity Week on the French HamLab

While the 19th edition of the just started  Antarctic Activity Week is involving thousands of radio amateurs looking for the several Special Event Stations that are active this whole week on the Ham bands ,    Yoann Daniel F4IGV,   the founding President and webmaster  of HamLab Association in France, has just pubblish an article for promote  this year’s edition of the Antarctic Activity Week on HamLab  website. See:


Pay a visit, it’s a very interesting page which can eventually be translated in your own language by using the availability of Google translator.  HamLab website ( ) is  very attractive, a great source of informations for Hams.