54 years of Marambio Antarctic Base (WAP ARG-21)

Next Sundayoctober 29LU4ZS will be on air from  2 pm to 10 pm utc on 10, 20 and 40 meters SSB.
A commemorative digital QSL will be issued for this event .

October 29, marks the fifty-fourth anniversary (1969-2023) of the birthday of Marambio Joint Antarctic Base (WAP ARG-21). The Base owes its name to Gustavo Argentino Marambio, pioneer of Argentine aviation over the Antarctic sector. It was founded on October 29, 1969, and remains active throughout the year with a permanent population. ​

For this reason, the Marambio Base station LU4ZS, on the same Sunday, will put on the air a commemorative digital QSL that can be accessed by Argentine and foreign radio amateurs as well as SWL listeners from around the world.

The operation will be in SSB between 14:00 and 22:00 UTC on the 10, 20 and 40 meter bands, Contact information can be sent using the LU4ZS page on QRZ.com. A commemorative digital QSL onfirmation will be given in retourn.

Marambio Joint Antarctic Base (WAP ARG-21) is the main scientific station with permanent Argentine military support. The Base is under the Joint Antarctic Command and is located on Seymour Island (aka Marambio Island) on the Weddell Sea  at 64°14′ South, 56°38′ West, within the sector claimed by Argentina under the name of Antarctica Argentina.